
Storytelling: advice for charities

This blog was published on the Directory of Social Change’s website. When you’re making decisions, do you tend to go with your head or your heart? Emotion or logic? You might think the answer depends on the situation or even [...]


Blogging for CharityComms

CharityComms is the membership network for communications professionals working in UK charities. Every so often I write a blog for their Knowledge Hub on wordy type topics. Here's a selection. Keeping up to date with inclusive language As people who work with [...]


A little book about charity storytelling

Want to improve your charity’s storytelling? I have an idea… Well, I have a few ideas, so I popped them into this little book: Storytelling for Impact Aiming to demystify storytelling, this ‘Speed Read’, published by the Directory of Social [...]


Five tips for briefing your charity copywriter

Good copywriters spend a lot of time talking. Sharing thoughts and ideas, making bad grammar jokes and, most importantly, asking their clients lots of challenging questions. So if you brief a copywriter and are met with silence, beware. It’s their [...]
